Looking ahead for the week, I am almost over my cold. It's taken a little bit more time than originally thought but maybe I needed the extra downtime, like we all do. If we need the time we should take it. No matter what we go through, it's the choices we make each day, that make up special moments.
A choice I would like to start the year off with is to do a "cleanse" and to "detoxify" my body in a natural way. I won't completely "fast" but will refrain from fast, fried, processed and "chemicals-added" foods. I will attempt this for 10 - 14 days and will let you know how I progress. Since I have been sick this last week, I will drink plenty of fluids and increase my healthy food choices as I can tolerate them, just to keep my strength up.
Until tomorrow then, pleasant dreams and I think I will have a little green tea.

I would like to come up with some healthy recipes that I will share with you as I discover them, as well as the exact cleanse program I will be using. No better way, can I think of, to begin the year, than to clarify and re-energize the body. Anyone who has some ideas or questions, please feel free to post comments below.
Until tomorrow then, pleasant dreams and I think I will have a little green tea.
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