2. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,
she walks into mine."
(Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca (1942))
Play clip:
(86 k)
she walks into mine."
(Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca (1942))
Play clip:
3. "Well, it's not the men in your life that counts,
it's the life in your men.
it's the life in your men.
Mae West,
(Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Terminator (1984))
Play clip:
(11 k)
Play clip:
5. "Would you be shocked if I put on
something more comfortable?"
(Jean Harlow, Hell's Angels (1930))
Play clip:
(31 k)
"Won't you excuse me for a moment while I ... slip into
something a little bit more ... comfortable?"(Madeline Kahn,
Blazing Saddles (1974)) (parody) Play clip:
(31 k)
something more comfortable?"
(Jean Harlow, Hell's Angels (1930))
Play clip:
"Won't you excuse me for a moment while I ... slip into
something a little bit more ... comfortable?"(Madeline Kahn,
Blazing Saddles (1974)) (parody) Play clip:
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