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I am so glad you stopped by to read my page. Hopefully you find it informative, inspirational and encouraging. May you always have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

quote of the Day

Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
                         C. S. Lewis

Monday, March 28, 2011

Supply side economics Part III (French Version)

En réalité, la cause de la « grande dépression » était une faute de la "Federal Reserve Board" qui a laissé la quantité de la monnaie américaine tomber par plus qu'un tiers (1/3) de sa valeur entre les années 1929 et 1932 ; vrai, il y avait un problème avec la demande générale de l'économie des années 30 mais pas comme Keynes l'avait rvue.  Les rigidités de l'économie ont empeché les prix et les salaires de tomber à un niveau équilibré avec la quantité de la monnaie, puis la dépression s'a manifestée.  La faute majeure des économistes et des chefs politiques était d'accepter les théories de Keynes comme une fondation d'une programme économique générale au lieu d'appliquer aux conditions d'une dépression déflationniste d'isolement.  Après la deuxième guerre mondiale jusqu'aux années 60, les théories de Keynes avaient su le grand succès.  Mais pendant 1960 à 1970, les politiques économiques sous l'influence de Keynes se détruisaient.

Dans un sens réel, les idéologies de Keynes étaient à leur fin pendant la récession de 74-75.  En 1975, le taux du chômage était au de plus haut niveau depuis la dépression de 1929 (8.5%) malgré un déficit budgétaire fédéral de $45 milliards accompagnés avec un taux d'inflation escaladant. D'après les théories de Keynes, ces événements étaient impossibles à être réalisés.  « La courbe Phillips, » un composant essentiel de théorie keynésienne, indique un rapport inverse entre le taux d'inflation et le taux du chômage.  En d'autres termes, le plus le taux d'inflation est haut, le plus le taux du chômage sera est inférieur.

Supply side economics Part III

In reality, the cause of the "Great Depression" was a fault of the Federal Reserve Board that let the quantity of American money fall by more than a third of its value between 1929 and 1932; true, there was a problem with the general demand of the economy of the 30s but not as Keynes had viewed it.  The rigidity of the economy brought the prices and salaries falling to a level equal to the quantity of the money, then the depression manifested itself.  The major fault of the economists and political leaders was to accept Keynes' theory as the foundation of an economic program in lieu of applying conditions of an isolated deflationary depression.  After the Second World War until the 1960's, the theory of Keynes had known great success.  But during 1960 to 1970, the economic politics under the influence of Keynes destroyed itself.

In a real sense, the ideologies of Keynes were at their end during the recession of 74-75.  In 1975, the rate of unemployment was at the highest level since the depression of 1929 (8.5%) despite a federal budgetary deficit of $45 billion accompanied with an escalating inflation rate.  According to Keynes' theories, these events were impossible to be realized.  The "Phillips Curve," an essential component of Keynesian theory, indicates an inverse relationship between the rate of inflation and rate of unemployment.  In other words, the higher the rate of inflation is, the lower the rate of unemployment will be.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Supply Side Economics - Part II Something to Contemplate

Until the disaster of 1929, the law of Say was accepted (except for the advocates of Marx).  But we entered  a new epoch, that of JM Keynes, an epoch of a man who misunderstood and misrepresented the fundamentals of the law of Say in saying the simple phrase, "supply creates its own demand" and that "this demand is equal to the proposition that there would be no obstacle to full employment."  In defense of his theory, Keynes took the phrase of JS Mill that implicated that the law of Say that there could never be a surproduction of a good or goods, in actuality the phrase of JS Mill simply stated that it is not possible to have general surproduction of an aggregate of goods.

According to his "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money," Keynes advances the idea that the cause of the disaster of the "Great Depression" was the under consumption and that the governmental policy should be to stimulate the general demand, via budgetary deficits and "easy" money.  Keynes' theory became the new order because his ideas coincided with the politics of his day.  According to Joseph Schumpeter, "the success of Kenyes' 'General Theory' was a result of its concordance with the very strong political preferences of the modern economics of that epoch."
 Jusqu'au désastre de l'année 1929, la loi de Say était acceptée (sauf par les "advocates" de Marx).  Mais nous sommes entrés dans l'époque de JM Keynes à ce moment-la, l'époque d'un homme qui a mal compris et malréprésenté les fondements de la loi de Say en disant la simple phrase "l'offre crée sa propre demande" et que "cette demande est égale à la proposition qu'il n'y a pas d'obstacle a plein-emploi."  En défense de sa thèse, Keynes a repris une phrase de JS Mill qui implique que la loi de Say tient compte qu'il n'est jamais possible d'avoir un surproduction d'un bien, en actualité la phrase de JS Mill a simplement dit qu il n'est pas possible d'avoir une surproduction générale de l'aggrégat des biens.      
D'àpres sa "Théorie Générale d'Emploi, d'Intérêt et de la Monnaie," Keynes avance l'idée que la cause du désastre de la "Great Depression" était la sous consommation et que la politique gouvernementale aurait du stimuler la demande générale, via les déficits budgétaires et "monnaie-aisée."  La thèse de Keynes a devenu très tôt la nouvelle "orthodoxie" puisque ses idées ont coïncidé avec la politique de son jour.  Selon Joseph Schumpeter, "la succes de la 'Theorie Generale' de Keynes est un résultat de sa concordance avec les plus fortes préférences politiques des économistes modernes (de cette époque)."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let's Talk Economics; Words to Stimulate the Mind (Part 1)

       Supply Side Economics is founded on a methodology that implicates the importance of production, investment, incentives and of individual initiative, according to classical economic theory.  It's the production that limits the satisfaction of the human demand, in accordance with the law of Jean-Baptiste Say, a French Economist, where the goods are recompensated with other goods.  So it is not the capacity to consume that limits the satisfaction of human demand.  According to Say, "the object of a good government is to stimulate production and a bad government to encourage consumption."  Similarly, John Stuart Mill said "that which makes a country rich is not consumption, but production."       

          "Supply-Side Economics" est fondée sur une méthodologie qui implique l'importance de la production, de l'investissement et de "l'incentive" et de l'initiative individuelle, selon la théorie économique classique.  C'est la production qui limite la satisfaction de demande humaine en accordance avec la loi de Jean-Baptiste Say, un économiste francais  les biens sont recompensées avec d'autres biens.  Et ce n'est pas donc la capacité de consommer qui limite la satisfaction de demande humaine.  Selon JB Say, " le but d'un bon gouvernement est de stimuler production et d'un mauvais gouvernement d'encourager consommation."  Vraisemblablement, John Stuart Mill disait que "ce que rendre un pays riche n'est jamais consommation, mais production."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote of the Day

I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions.

                      Elizabeth Taylor

Monday, March 21, 2011


What do you dream about? 
Or what 
is your biggest dream?
One day I hope to 
go to Australia and scuba 
dive in the Great Barrier Reef.
To me that would be the 
greatest vacation of a lifetime. 
I don't know why but
to me it seems so far away, 
maybe so far 
out of reach. I want to 
be able to achieve my
dream eventually. 
What appeals to me 
is the diverse topography 
where a tropical forest 
meets the beach.

Where would you go
if you could pick the vacation
of your dreams? and why?
What appeals to you? the beach?
the mountains? cold weather? or 
warm? What would you do
on your dream vacation? And
more importantly, who would you
go with? Alot to contemplate...
And to dream about... And perhaps
one day it will be realized!

Here's to that one day! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ocean Blue

I love the clear blue ocean. It's always drawn me to the beach.
I find that when I am near the ocean, it relaxes me. It's a sort of escape for me.
I love to go on vacation to anywhere where there is water. I love to scuba dive and snorkel.
I find that I am the happiest when I am under the water.
I love nature and hope that it can be preserved as much as possible.
It is so beautiful to look at the life teaming under the ocean.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Moon Poem

        TO THE MOON 

Art thou pale for weariness
     Of climbing heaven and   gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
      Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a Joyless eye
     That finds no object worth its constancy?

By Percy Bysshe Shelley

On March 19 the Moon will make a path closest to Earth called Extreme Supermoon; also known as Lunar Perigee.  
The last Extreme Supermoons occurred in 1954, 1974 and 1992.
Meditate on it!
And have a wonderful, dreamy night!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dans Mon Jardin

Dans Mon Jardin
Nikki Boucher
(French Version)

Bleu et vert
  Je me repose
  Où les oiseaux chantent
  Une rythmique mélodie

Je rêve
  devant les couleurs des fleurs
  orange, jaune et rose.

Dans mon jardin,
  je suis tranquille, calme et à paix.
  Il y a une magique qui est réelle.

Je vive dans mon jardin
  Personne ne peut y entrer.
  Mais tout le monde a un jardin secret.

Mon jardin est une création de Dieu.
  Il me parle dans mon jardin, par la nature.
  J'entre dans une espèce
  de communion avec lui.

Je suis contente
  Je ne pense plus aux autres choses
  apart de lui.
  Il est le plus puissant
  La plus forte image
  de mon jardin.

Dieu, mon seigneur
 qui m'écoute
 qui me console
 Mon refuge, mon âme,
 mon être entier.
 Je vous aime dans
 mon jardin.
 Je suis avec toi.

In My Garden
By Nikki Boucher
(English Version)

Blue and green
  I rest
  Where birds sing
  A rhythmic melody

I dream
  In front of the colors of flowers
  Orange, yellow and pink.

In my garden,
  I am quiet, calm and at peace.
  There is a magic that is real.

I live in my garden
  Nobody can enter it.
  But everybody has a secret garden.

My garden is a creation of God.
  He speaks to me in my garden, by the nature.

  I enter a sort
  Of communion with him.

I am satisfied
  I do not think any more of other things
  Apart from him.
  He is the most powerful,
  The strongest image
  Of my garden.

God, my Lord
 Who listens to me
 Who consoles me
 My refuge, my soul,
 My whole being.
 I love you in
 My garden.
 I am with you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's on your mind?

Do you have some things that you can't resolve? 
Things that keep going over and over in your head?
How do you cope with stress? 
How do you handle difficult situations? 

Did you know that learning effective coping 
skills can ease the tension and stress? 
In nursing we learn for example that smoking is one way that people learn to cope but it is ineffective 
because it just causes more problems. 
Being able to talk to someone 
about your situation can be helpful.
Just having someone to talk to, to listen to your side of things, 
maybe to laugh some of that stress away.

I mention this now because of all that is 
hitting us in the news these days. 
A way to "shoulder" some of the bad 
news is to see the lighter side. 
Another way is to pray. Having a strong 
faith provides "resilience" for some. 
Having a good strong support system in 
family and friends. 

To have a friend is to be one. 
So build a strong friendships along 
the coarse of your life to help you. 
And give back to your community if you can, 
that gives a sense of fulfillment and joy. 
These are all good 
techniques to whittle away stress.

And cherish the calm, peaceful moments when you can.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Picture perfect

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.

           Claude Monet

Hi to everyone this morning~

Sometimes pictures can heal, as well, 
if not better than words. 
So I have chosen to share my favorite of favorite impressionist 
artist's paintings with you, 
Claude Monet's "Water lilies."  
No words can ever describe the feelings I had when I first laid my eyes upon such 
exquisite works of art!!! 
You must just experience it for yourself!
 May you have an inspired Monday ahead! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wish list

Today's Saturday and I'm wondering if I will have enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. What is on your wish list? I love to exercise so I am hoping I can run a few miles and enjoy the day. I hope to be able to spend enough time with my dogs so that they don't feel neglected. I already had a nice chat with my mom and dad. I love to catch up with them on the weekend when I have some downtime from my busy weekly schedule. Of course I love shopping but find I have little time to enjoy that at the moment. I am currently trying to get through a Masters Program up at Cal State Fullerton so alot of my time is actually reading about Women's Health. I am hoping I have enough time to finish a test, work on a project and do yet more reading... So there you have it. I don't have much free time but I want to get out and enjoy the sunshine while it's still daylight! Which reminds me, I guess we all lose an hour of sleep tonight! But hey that's okay it will be light later, so I like that idea!! Okay so everyone have a great weekend and for whatever is on your wish list, I am hoping that you can achieve it!!

ps. The pic is of Andy, my little 11 month old Havanese pup. He finished his first puppy training class today! : )

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quote of the day

A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quote of the day

Satisfaction of one's curiosity 
is one of the greatest sources of
 happiness in life.
                                Linus Pauling